Documenting And Writing Prescriptions With Podiatry Electronic Medical Records?
The mapping system must also be intuitive. You have to be able to create a solid note that meets all legal and insurance requirements. This means that you fully document all aspects of an encounter to cover Evaluation and Management (E&M) coding requirements. A strong podiatry electronic medical records system also ensures that all aspects of consent and documentation are covered when it comes to discussing potential risks and complications. The EMR program at 1st Providers Choice should allow the physician or staff to review the medical history of each contact. This way you can easily see past diagnostic tests and treatments, as well as what you might consider for your next visit. You should be able to easily visualize medications and allergies. The podiatry practice management software should monitor the progress or lack of progress of the treatment plan. The ability to seamlessly link your note to labs and imaging is a major benefit, as is the ability to order imaging an...